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Train the Trainer: a Crash Course in Pedagogics

Train the Trainer: a Crash Course in Pedagogics

A Tailormade Seminar in Train the Trainer: a Crash Course in Pedagogics

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Our courses are held both physically and digitally. Physical courses take place at the beautiful Åkeshofs castle. Digital courses take place via Teams.

    Get in touch

    Would like to know more about Train the Trainer: a Crash Course in Pedagogics? Provide your contact information and we'll be in touch.

      Train the Trainer – for international trainers and seminar leaders

      When training end-users, clients, colleagues or external participants, it is vital that the trainer knows how to create and deliver professional training in an efficient, structured and pedagogic manner. The trainers need to know how to conduct training in English, in different cultures, and adjust the way they teach accordingly. This course in designed to give trainers tools, checklists and techniques that will maximise their skills as international teachers. The participants in this seminar will be presenting, conducting workshops and setting up exercises under the guidance of a very experience international trainer. They will be filmed and get personal feedback on their pedagogic skills.

      Star Star Star Star Star
      Väldigt givande!

      ”Den kurs jag gick var otroligt givande och relevant för min position.och de utmaningar jag har”


      Star Star Star Star
      Intressanta och inspirerande!

      ”Cognosis kurser är riktigt bra. Intressanta och inspirerande, extremt bra case. Kanonbra kursledare!”


      Star Star Star Star Star
      En fantastisk föreläsare!

      ”Kursen var en riktig ögonöppnare. En fantastisk föreläsare. Jag har fått en helt ny trygghet att luta mig mot i framtida förhandlingar. Tipsen, feedbacken och verktygen är ovärderliga för mig.”

      ICA Sverige

      Star Star Star Star Star
      Bland de bästa i utbildningsväg!

      ”Bland de bästa i utbildningsväg jag varit med om under mina 20 år i näringslivet. Grym lärare.”

      Vestas Northern Europe

      Star Star Star Star
      Kursen var helgjuten!

      ”Otroligt innehållsrikt! Cognosis kurs gav mig bra verktyg till mitt arbete. Jag känner mig stärkt i min roll, har fått en helt ny medvetenhet. Kursen var helgjuten.”

      Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping

      Star Star Star Star Star
      Har gett mig fantastiska möjligheter!

      "Sedan jag gick den första utbildningen har det gett mig fantastiska möjligheter både yrkesmässigt, globalt, affärsmässigt och privat."

      Telia Sonera

      Larger group?

      When you're signing up 3 participants you'll receive a 10% discount. 4-5 participants gives 15% discount. 6 or more gives 20% discount.

      Goals with the course

      This course will give the participants numerous useful tips, many ideas and great inspiration, whether they are experienced trainers or new in their role. Cognosis´ trademark is our highly interactive training programmes with reality based case studies putting our participants right in the learning hotspot. To attend a Cognosis training programme is to experience intensive and tough high level training. The secret behind the top evaluations we get from our participants is our unique training methodology, EAT. Our seminars hold three key elements:

      • Experience
      • Analysis
      • Theory

      Our training is based on academic theories

      In combination with best business practise, realistic exercises and personalised feedback from a trainer with wide business know-how and a vast international experience. Cognosis´ highly acclaimed courses in international business communication focus on the key skills required by all successful business people, sales as well as R&D and management. We are known for effective high-quality training based on realistic case studies leading to concrete results. Our trainers have lived and worked as communication skills trainers and cross-cultural consultants in Europe, the USA, the Far East and Latin America. Our trainers use modern and dynamic methodology that ensures a true experience in ‘learning by doing’. Do get in touch and let us discuss what programme would suit your organisation best!

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      Förhandlingsteknik steg II

      Detta är en fördjupningskurs i förhandlingsteknik för dig som är en erfaren förhandlare.

      Gå till kursen