Staying ahead of the game in international negotiations
When you negotiate with customers, suppliers and partners from other cultures, you need to be able to read your counterpart and the gameplan, see the signals and understand the cultural implications. And you need to practice using that knowledge on a safe arena, in realistic negotiation simulations, to really sharpen your negotiation skills.
On May 21-22 at Ulfsunda Slott in Stockholm you will get the opportunity to attend a 2-day intensive course in International Business Negotiations, led by prof. Cheryl DeBruine-Ashby, also teaching Negotiation at the MBA Programme at ESCP Business School in Madrid. The objective of this course is to add critical skills and techniques to your natural skills as a negotiator – to make you succeed on an international arena.
You will get:
- techniques to help you master tactics, strategy and goal setting.
- hands-on negotiation experience in realistic negotiation simulations.
- insight about your profile as a negotiator, your strengths, challenges and feedback from an experienced international lecturer.
- opportunity to exchange know-how with negotiators from different industries.
This course is for dealmakers, international Key Account Managers, Project Managers, Purchasers and Executives who want to sharpen their negotiation skills in a realistic and time-effective high-class seminar.
To sign up, go to our website International Business Negotiations – En kurs hos Cognosis.
Lecturer: Cheryl DeBruine-Ashby, head of international programs at Cognosis, has a B.A in International Relations from University of California and an MBA from Warwick Business School, UK. Cheryl also teaches in International Business Negotiations and Business Communication in international MBA programs for the University of Southern California, Universidad de Carlos III de Madrid, ESADE, and ESCP Business School Europe.
Cheryl is a highly recommended lecturer, known for her business acumen, her inspiring way of teaching and her ability to engage her participants, regardless of role and level. Her key areas of expertise are:
- International Business Negotiations
- Working in Multicultural Environments: Cross cultural communication
- High Level International Business Presentations (in English and Spanish)
- Leading and Facilitating International Meetings
- Project Management
- Leadership Skills.
Cheryl´s assignments cover international training programmes for large international organisations in five continents, from top management and division managers to Key Account Managers, Specialists and Project Managers. Her client list includes organisations from a wide variety of industries and areas such as:
· Airbus
· Amadeus · Baker McKenzie · Banco de España · Bausch and Lomb · British Petroleum · British Telecom · Coca-Cola · Ernst and Young |
· European Central Bank & European Systems of Central Banks · Gas Natural · Heineken · KPMG · Maxit · PricewaterhouseCoopers · Tetrapak · Warner Bros. |
If you are interested in an inhouse, tailor-made seminar, do get in touch with us:

Skrivet av Anne Neppare
Publicerat den 4 mar 2024