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Increase your negotiation skills and become more confident

International Business Negotiations

  • Length: 2 days
  • Place: Åkeshofs castle Åkeshofs castle
  • Price: 15.900 sek What's included?

Scheduled training: International Business Negotiations

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Our courses are held both in-person and online. The in-person sessions take place at the beautiful Åkeshofs Castle, while the online sessions are conducted via Teams.

    Get in touch

    Would like to know more about International Business Negotiations? Provide your contact information and we'll be in touch.

      This training is an absolute must for anyone who negotiates in English

      This course is an absolute must for anyone who negotiates in English, with other cultures. You will discover mechanisms, signals and game plans that definitely will change your approach to negotiations – and increase your chances of getting an agreement, on the right terms. You will train your negotiation skills in realistic cases and get personal feedback on your strong and week points as a negotiator by an experienced international trainer. The ever-increasing internationalisation of business calls for special skills. An awareness of customs, social codes and rules in other cultures maximises your chances of closing successful business deals, partnership agreements and carry out international projects.

      • See also: International Business Presentations
      • Venue: See after dates. The training starts at: 9 am and finishes at 5 pm.
      • Course fee: 15 900 SEK plus VAT, including lunch, coffee, materials and one hour of coaching after the course.
      • NB: We give 10% reduction when you make 3 reservations for the same training, 15% reduction when making 4-5 reservations, and 20% reduction for 6 or more reservations for the same training.
      Star Star Star Star Star
      Väldigt givande!

      ”Den kurs jag gick var otroligt givande och relevant för min position.och de utmaningar jag har”


      Star Star Star Star
      Intressanta och inspirerande!

      ”Cognosis kurser är riktigt bra. Intressanta och inspirerande, extremt bra case. Kanonbra kursledare!”


      Star Star Star Star Star
      En fantastisk föreläsare!

      ”Kursen var en riktig ögonöppnare. En fantastisk föreläsare. Jag har fått en helt ny trygghet att luta mig mot i framtida förhandlingar. Tipsen, feedbacken och verktygen är ovärderliga för mig.”

      ICA Sverige

      Star Star Star Star Star
      Bland de bästa i utbildningsväg!

      ”Bland de bästa i utbildningsväg jag varit med om under mina 20 år i näringslivet. Grym lärare.”

      Vestas Northern Europe

      Star Star Star Star
      Kursen var helgjuten!

      ”Otroligt innehållsrikt! Cognosis kurs gav mig bra verktyg till mitt arbete. Jag känner mig stärkt i min roll, har fått en helt ny medvetenhet. Kursen var helgjuten.”

      Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping

      Star Star Star Star Star
      Har gett mig fantastiska möjligheter!

      "Sedan jag gick den första utbildningen har det gett mig fantastiska möjligheter både yrkesmässigt, globalt, affärsmässigt och privat."

      Telia Sonera

      Place: Åkeshofs castle

      • Time
      • 9.00 - 17.00
      • Price for 2 days
      • 15.900 sek (excl. vat)

      Price includes lunch, coffee, materials and one hour of coaching after the course.


      The goal of this training is to increase your negotiation skills and to make you more confident when negotiating in an international environment.

      • Tactics. The different phases in a negotiation. How to carry out your negotiation in order to achieve your goal in an international context.
      • International awareness. How to adjust your tactics and your style in order to reach your goals when negotiating with counterparts from other cultures. How cultural differences in communication can affect a negotiation.
      • Strategy. Goal setting, fall-back position.
      • Awareness of the most common pitfalls you as a Swede might encounter when negotiating internationally.
      • Negotiation practise with feedback.

      Who should take part

      This is a training for anyone who works internationally with:

      • Sales and presales
      • People management
      • Building and maintaining customer relations
      • Purchase of external services
      • Project management
      • Trouble shooting

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